general skywalker swgoh gear

The only 13 Apr 2019 REVAN + MALAK in phase 1-2 of heroic Sith Raid: 15 million damage | Star Wars : Galaxy of Heroes. Once you get him down to no protection, you can’t target him for a while, so you have to go to work on the other 501st allies – all the while Skywalker is regaining protection and will soon re-emerge to taunt, taking your attention away from the other members and repeating the cycle. Ups your damage output by a fair margin.Got it, derlocker ! Nothing. If possible, this attack will critically hit enemies with Armor Shred.Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Daze them for 2 turns. Any advice?Edit: all of my characters are the same gear/relic as yours.

A guildmate mentioned in discord that this event is actually now harder than before when the first and second Clash on Kamino's were held DUE ENTIRELY to the BUG. So this kit fit with his character lore-wise, it introduced a powerful new ability but not one that broke the game, and has remained solid ever since while giving the character plenty of viability. : 4 : 1: G11 zzzGAS / G12 Arc / r3 zAhsoka vs G12 zzzCLS / r5 zHan / r5 zzChewie Easy win - would work with gear parity & I think this combo at it's present gear levels could beat maxed out GAS and supporting team 3v3. I can probably get one of them to g13, R4, but both is probably not possible without spending more than I want to. Plan what gear, abilities, & mods you need to get General Skywalker. Boosting B1 seemed like the best idea because of his assists and pretty strong AoE.So it came down to RNG with the counters and how much damage B2 and MG sustained, if they died too early then I couldn't clear it. Basically they just used a different word so that they’re not actually bound by what that other word means. ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. But the developers don’t really care about their playerbase anyway, so it makes sense.In all, the release of General Skywalker looks like a disaster for a game that has been one disaster after another recently. UdalCuain. Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs Salvage. That’s disingenuous and a real jerk move. But looking at the kit that was revealed for General Skywalker, I’ll be honest: this is probably the most broken kit the game has ever seen.The roadmap to beat General Skywalker looks, on paper, to go like this then: you can’t diminish the health of any 501st ally until General Skywalker’s protection is gone, and he’ll be starting with high protection numbers because of his boosts. I did have really good mods on them, all of which were sliced to 6E and it was challenging still. This will remove all status effects, including un-dispellable effects. My droideka is also g10, so I can zeta him and get the power but g12 isn’t possible. He fits well in most squads, but he’s not going to dominate all by himself. And even though most of those characters have been around long enough for many to have them, to level up 18 of them is crazy, but also a few of them – especially Shaak Ti – haven’t been farmable all too long.And this is all working with the bare minimum requirements. So when you have a game that is clearly just trying to get you to spend money, but doesn’t put out much new content and when it does it’s all about end-game players, the question becomes: how are you possibly going to recruit enough new players to keep the game from dying?But none of this is really the point of this article except so far as to set the stage for where we’re at in the game right now. This is all by CG’s design, as they’ve pretty much backed themselves into a corner and therefore must keep one-upping characters, but they’re getting less and less creative at doing so.To give you an example of what this can look like done well, I think Grand Admiral Thrawn might just be the most well-designed kit in the game. Additionally, every time General Skywalker uses an ability he actually uses two abilities, and every time he deals a critical hit he will increase the targeted enemy’s cooldowns by one. Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Whenever General Skywalker critically hits an enemy during his turn, increase their cooldowns by 1 (excluding raid bosses), which can't be resisted. Deal Physical damage to target enemy. ), but that’s why the developers being content with almost no new content is so detrimental: I can’t remember the last time they released something even remotely geared toward new players, and I don’t think that’s good for the long-term health of this game.We have, of course, yet to see how General Skywalker works in action, so typically people have been able to find a counter – at which point CG conveniently steps in and nerfs the counter.