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§§ formatDuration(connection.duration.hour, connection.duration.minutes) §§ Over Ons ,  connection.duration.minutes : connection.duration.minutes §§ ? §§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : §§

When taking a bus from Marseille to Aix-en-Provence, you can count on Bla Bla Car for the best way to get you to Aix-en-Provence quickly. §§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, §§ §§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : §§ Simply have a look at the search results,compare prices and travel durations, then select the option that works best for your travel needs.

'0' + As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) '0' + §§ stop.departure.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm' : §§ De eerste bus Aix-en-Provence is om 04:35, de aankomst in Nice is om 08:20.Het laatste bus vertrekt om 04:35, de aankomst is om 08:20.De ticketprijs voor volwassenen ligt tussen 5 € en 5 €.. Met de bus van Aix-en-Provence naar Nice reizen If available, when hovered over, the infobox shows all the stations (and stops) the route travels through. Service

De voordeligste prijzen Vergelijken en tot 70 % besparen. Onboard services are subject to availability. Bus van en naar Aix-en-Provence Alle busverbindingen vergelijken: Vind de voordeligste bus van en naar Aix-en-Provence. Aix-en-Provence, Bus terminal is located about 1.23 km from the town centre, which is only a 15 minute walk. In GetByBus search results you can expand each route (by clicking on it) to see additional information. connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes < via + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ wordt deze bushalte verplaatst naar Duration: via connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.minutes <

Transfer Time: §§ At Aix-en-Provence, bus station you can find: ATM, toilet and waiting room. Plan je reis Kinderen . Volwassenen . Reisduur: Profiteer van Europa's grootste busnetwerk en reis naar 2.500 bestemmingen in 29 landen → Boek nu je ticket! §§ formatTimeFilter(connection.departure.timestamp, §§ Traveling by bus from Aix … §§ §§ The earliest departure from Aix-en-Provence is at 04:35 arriving to Nice at 08:20.The latest departure is at 04:35 arriving at 08:20.Prices for a one way adult ticket range from 5 € to 5 €.. Find your bus schedules & stations for Aix-les-Bains Free Wi-Fi on board 21 direct connections Book your bus tickets now! Ontdek voordelige busreizen van en naar Aix-en-Provence 55 beschikbare verbindingen Gratis Wi-Fi

connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour : §§ §§,  §§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, §§