philippe tayeb origine

of various adaptation techniques. The ability to generate induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from somatic cells by forced expression of the reprogramming factors Oct3/4 and Sox2 along with either Klf4 1-4 or Nanog and Lin28 5 raises the possibility of generating patient‐specific cell types of all lineages.

The proposed approach shows prom...To design an adaptive intelligent tutoring system which can manage both different disciplinary domains and a guide for the learner is difficult. Philippe TAYEB est né le 7 février 1968.

We submit a model in order to represent explicitly the pedagogical information structure.

Recent years have shown increasing awareness for the importance of adaptivity in e-learning. provides a way of integrating psychological and pedagogical elements in the online course structure generation process, based Data from an exploratory study are presented and discussed: 22 students interact with an educational hypermedia system called WELSA, having all their actions monit...� Abstract≤ Success is a European project that will implement several clean transport offers in three European cities and evaluate the environmental impacts. We propose a web based system used to help teachers to design multimedia documents and to evaluate their prototypes.

Cet outil auteur est un portail web permettant aux enseignants (concepteurs pédagogiques) de générer dynamiquement des structures de sites web, d'éditer les contenus et d'administrer leur cours. A list of 28...This paper presents our work on netUniversity Web portal, an easy and competitive solution for creating and managing pedagogical content as online courses. A methodological approach is proposed as a basis for development.

While this analysis does not enable us to dra...This paper presents our work on netUniversity web portal, an easy and competitive solution dedicated to the creation and management of pedagogical online content.

Cette expansion invite les pédagogues et les informaticiens à réfléchir sur la conception de tels supports. First, conception phas...According to educational psychologists, the efficiency and effectiveness of the instruction process are influenced by the We specifically study multimedia software used in an educational context.

This paper reports the results of an experimental study involving 22 students, analyzing and discussing the traces of the students' interactions with the system. It resu...This chapter presents a short review of technological tools that can support Self- Regulated Learning (SRL). Nous proposons, au travers de cet article une méthode de conception fondée d'une part sur les propriétés originales du support et d'autre part sur l'exploi...When we use guidelines or questionnaires to evaluate software, some problems can appear: the number of questions increases and thus the duration of an evaluation becomes too long; sometimes evaluation becomes too subjective to be relevant; the choice of questions becomes complex, and so on.

The paper summarizes the main results reported in the literature, as well as the main criticisms of the current approaches. Three main approaches can be distinguished to design multimedia n...RESUME : Nous présentons un outil d'aide à la conception de sites web éducatifs basés sur des scénarios pédagogiques représentés en IMS Learning Design. A methodological approach is proposed as a basis for development. The aim of this paper consists to present a tool based on a new approach for rigorous evaluation of the measure (project) efficiency related to transportation to improve urban mobility in all categories.