r2d2 et c3po


Eventually the plan came together, and when Luke needed his lightsaber for the rescue, it turned out R2-D2 had been secretly carrying it in a hidden compartment all along.

Soon after, the droids, Luke, and Obi-Wan escaped Tatooine on board Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon.After rescuing Leia from the Death Star, the whole group arrived at Rebel Alliance headquarters on Yavin IV. R2 accompanied Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi when they boarded the Invisible Hand, flagship of Separatist military commander General Grievous, to rescue the kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine. The two droids accompanied Anakin and Padmé to Geonosis, which would soon become the site of the first battle of the Clone Wars.

R2's only role in Luke's Jedi training was as a weight to be lifted with the Force, and he spent a lot of time sitting around waiting in this uncomfortable environment. Few stir emotions as richly as this one—particularly given that it looks, as Stephens jokes, “like an industrial vacuum cleaner.”Yet that might be the secret to its appeal.

By the closing days of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 was Anakin's full-time co-pilot, … Some part of R2 heard what Rey said, and emerging from his low-power coma, R2-D2 helped BB-8 assemble the map to Luke's hiding place on the planet Ahch-To.

Luke was burnt out on teaching, which was pretty understandable after one of his students killed all his other students the last time he tried. For a time, 3PO wore O-MR1's arm in memory of his friend, even though its red color didn't match his gold plating (as depicted in the Marvel comic As for R2-D2, he stuck by Luke Skywalker's side as Luke built a new Jedi Temple and attempted to train a new generation of Jedi. R2-D2, however, was determined to fulfill his mission for Princess Leia by finding the exiled Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2-D2 did wake up, however, when the Force prodigy Rey arrived on D'Qar and said that the First Order already had found most of the map to Luke Skywalker's hiding place — except for the part that had been hidden in BB-8, in old Imperial data files. When Anakin began having visions of his mother in peril, the trio returned to Tatooine.

Back at the Resistance headquarters on D'Qar, 3PO gently chided a younger droid, BB-8, for trying to wake up the still hibernating R2-D2, telling him it was no use.

When a robot is toylike and capable of only simple, humanlike gestures, we find it cute. With the help of Luke's Force abilities, 3PO was able to prevent the surprisingly vicious Paddington lookalikes from cooking and eating the Rebels, and their cooperation enabled the defeat of the Empire.After the victory at Endor, C-3PO continued to serve Princess Leia and Han Solo as they rooted out Imperial holdouts and restored the Republic. C-3PO met up with R2-D2 soon thereafter, accompanying a group of politicians to meet the arriving Jedi.Anakin Skywalker soon fell under the sway of Palpatine, who was secretly a Sith Lord, and became Darth Vader.

When they become nearly human, we start focusing on the things that are missing. He was personally thanked by the Queen, and from that point on served her more directly.When Amidala's ship stopped on the planet Tatooine, they met C-3PO, a protocol droid that lacked his outer casing, which made him look a lot like a metal skeleton covered in wire.

Cookies help us deliver our Services. Director George Lucas was so enamored of the robot that he insisted it should save the day once every movie—as in Even R2-D2’s “voice” avoided the uncanny valley—it wasn’t a voice at all but bleeps and bloops created by sound designer Ben Burtt, who used an audio synthesizer.This was a big cultural shift. A swamp is a bad place for an astromech droid, and R2 quickly found himself submerged in sludge and even swallowed whole by a giant reptile, but fortunately it found him indigestible and spit him out. While Obi-Wan and Anakin were fighting their most famous duel, the droids helped an injured and very pregnant Padmé back onto her ship.Both droids left Mustafar with Obi-Wan and rendezvoused with Bail Organa of Alderaan.

When they arrived in Cloud City on the planet Bespin, 3PO wondered away from his friends after encountering another protocol droid.

He succeeded, along with 3PO and Luke, but the Imperial search for the droids led to the murder of Luke's aunt and uncle. Fans went crazy for the droid, knitting winter hats in its shape and building computer cases that looked like its body.

Ultimately those plans ended up on the Tantive IV with R2 and 3PO aboard, which would lead to their biggest adventure yet.Princess Leia Organa was fleeing from Scarif to Tatooine with the Death Star schematics aboard the Tantive IV when Darth Vader's forces attacked and boarded the ship. His improved status reflected the good fortune of Shmi Skywalker, who had been freed from slavery by a man named Cliegg Lars, who became her husband. (Like an interstellar Forrest Gump, the robot always managed to turn up at the absolute center of the action.) When Imperial forces arrived and the Hoth base had to be abandoned, C-3PO left with Han and Leia on the Millennium Falcon, while R2-D2 left with Luke in his X-Wing.C-3PO was mostly an annoyance as the crew of the Falcon had to hide from the Empire and navigate an asteroid field.

It attempts to look like a human and doesn’t quite make it.”R2-D2 changed the mold.
R2-D2 joined her on Coruscant, the Galactic Capitol.

But if it getsWhy would overly realistic robots so unsettle us?

Its body contained tools ranging from computer interfaces to blowtorches. The room-cleaning Roomba looks like a big flat hockey puck, but its movements and beeps seem so “smart” that people who own them give them names.