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I am not sure other passengers on board would have agreed, though, as my girls screamed with laughter at every blackout! 1.3K likes.

The latter, the ‘train à vapeur,’ links nearby Anduze to St Jean du Gard and is known locally as the ‘train touristique.’ There is nothing ‘touristy,’ as such, about the Le Cévenol.

The Chamborigaud viaduct depicted above is even longer, at 409 metres. Way back in 2008, when the writer took his two young daughters on the line for a day trip, the lights would go out upon entering each tunnel – they absolutely loved it and papa was the best tour-guide in France. The first part of the north-south line is dual directional, from Clermont to Arvant, after which it becomes a single line until its arrival in Alès. Lying at 629 metres above sea level, it is the highest stone viaduct in France and is 257 metres long. * Value is approximate, based on 1 Franc = 2 Euros in 1860 and at Euro value rates in 2006 – see Click to visit The French Hiker’s Guide to Holidaying in the Hexagon and France self-guided walking, trips, trails, places & themes.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Profitez ainsi au maximum de la nature qui s'offre à vous, que ce Un spectacle de la nature à découvrir toute l'année et à chaque saison. However, the production costs of Alesian coal were high. For its entire length, locomotion is ensured by diesel engine.Whilst this is a working railway, the Cévenol line boasts 106 tunnels and numerous viaducs. Trains réguliers 7j/7j entre Clermont-Ferrand / Nimes + train touristique en saison! des CévennesLes trains TER de la ligne des Cévennes sont partenaires de vos escapades.Ils acceptent gratuitement les vélos. If you like to get away from the car when walking in France, and enjoy train rides as well as fine walks, then the chance to combine the two by Walking the Cévennes Railway offers you an unforgettable opportunity. Ces deux trains mythiques devraient le rester pour les générations futures. Needless to say, it is hearts-in-mouth time and cameras are ‘de rigeur’.Between La Bastide and Sainte Cécile d’Andorge, passengers go through 42 tunnels, the longest of which, la Bégude, is 1728 metres in length. This short walking tour that utilises the Cévennes railroad:This one-week tour laces together some circular walks along the Cévennes mountain railway:Here are a list of related and useful railway links that you might like to consult:Copyright© 2019 Walking Holidays in France Ltd. All Rights Reserved WorldwideStevenson Trail – Robert Louis Stevenson Route GR70Work commenced on the line in 1864 and it opened in 1870 for both goods and passengers. The final stretch to Nîmes is two-way. The current service takes around 5 hours. The independent character of the people favoured small businesses, which were often located inconveniently far from the railway lines. Train Cévenol. The Cévennes railway was constructed primarily for the transportation to Paris of wine from Languedoc. Profitez des offres TER Occitanie et TER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, selon votre parcours et votre âge, à partir de 1€. Bienvenue sur la ligne Sncf des Cévennes! A walk between Cévennes and Tanargue with 5 or 6 stages through pristine gorges, ideal for a swim. It forms part of a longer, cross country/non-TGV or TER route linking Marseille to Paris, a distance of 863 kilometres.The Clermont-Ferrand-Nîmes section covered by Le Cévenol is a distance of a 303 kilomètres or around 200 miles. Languedoc was, and still is, France’s largest wine-producing region. It forms part of a longer, cross country/non-TGV or TER route linking Marseille to Paris, a distance of 863 …

Southwards from Saint-Georges d’Aurac, located around an hour’s drive from Le Puy-en-Velay, the line follows the bottom of a gorge and some magnificent countryside.La Bastide-Puylaurent is located at a confluence of historical hiking routes, including the At Villefort, the viaduct crosses the River Altier at a height of 72 metres.

Some of these are particularly spectacular, like the viaducts at Chamborigaud and lake Villefort. This made the region over-dependant on wine growing and vulnerable to economic cycles.It is important to differentiate The Cévenol, an authentic and working railway line, from that of the Cévennes tourist train.

Dans la région, deux trains se distinguent. La ligne SNCF du train Cévenol vous ouvre sa voie, au départ de Clermont-Ferrand ou Nîmes. Trains réguliers 7j/7j entre Clermont-Ferrand / Nimes + train touristique en saison! 1.3K likes. The advent of railroads saved the day in the short-to-medium-term, but the coal was low grade and could not compete for long, particularly when power stations turned nuclear.Ironically the birth of the railway, elsewhere hailed as the harbinger of prosperity, actually led to industrial decline: cheaper goods flooded in from larger factories in the North.
During such periods, trains are replaced by SNCF buses. It is important to differentiate The Cévenol, an authentic and working railway line, from that of the Cévennes tourist train. En complément des services inter-régionaux  TER "Cévenol" Clermont-Ferrand / Nîmes, la ligne est également À partir de cette date, le service a été amputé de son parcours plusieurs fois et le parcours restant (Clermont-Ferrand - Nîmes) est devenu un TER en 2018. The railway was also responsible for the gradual and progressive abandonment of cereal growing and the pre-eminence accorded to the vine. When first opened, the voyage from Clermont-Ferrand to Nîmes took ten-and-a-quarter hours by express train (sic) and twelve hours by the regular service. Le Cévenol (1), symbole de la lutte des territoires, désormais exploité par la Région Occitanie, et la ligne de l’Aubrac ou Causses-Cévennes (2) qui vient de bénéficier d’investissements lourds.
Coal and metals from the mining district of Alès were also transported in abundance on the line. Voyage, VTT, randonnée, sports & activités d'eaux vives et tout autres loisirs... Correspondances assurées avec les trains de/vers Paris, Marseille, Montpellier, ... Profitez des petits prix Ter Occitanie pour vous évader seul, entre amis ou en famille. Bienvenue sur la ligne Sncf des Cévennes! desservie au quotidien par des trains express régionaux TER:Randonnée, sports d'eaux vives, équitation, cyclo et VTT, les territoires regorgent d'activités multiples