tsunami 2019 indonésie

A tsunami that hit Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung, Indonesia, Saturday night, killed at least 222 people and injured at least 700. Indonesia Tsunami Victims Up to 429 as Rains, Mud Block Rescue. In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A villager walks past vehicles damaged by a tsunami in Carita, Indonesia.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A resident walks past buildings damaged by a tsunami in Carita, Indonesia, on Sunday.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A man walks amid debris from damaged buildings in Carita, Indonesia.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A rescuer takes part in a search for tsunami victims in Carita, Indonesia.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Officials look through the wreckage of damaged buildings in Carita, Indonesia.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Debris litters a property that was damaged by the tsunami in Indonesia.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A damaged vehicle is seen amid wreckage from buildings along Indonesia's Carita beach.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches "We need multi-hazard early warning system," Nugroho said. The tsunami is believed to have been triggered when the volcano, lying in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra, erupted and set off a series of underwater landslides, according to Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geological Agency.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Rescue team members carry the body of a tsunami victim in Banten, Indonesia, on Sunday.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches An aerial photo shows damaged buildings in Carita, Indonesia, on Sunday, a day after the area was hit by the tsunami.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Residents inspect a house damaged by the tsunami in Carita.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Tsunami survivors gather at temporary shelter in Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia, on Sunday.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches Residents inspect a house damaged by the tsunami in Carita, Indonesia, on Sunday.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches A man breaks down after identifying his relative among the bodies of tsunami victims in Carita, Indonesia, on Sunday.In pictures: Latest tsunami hits Indonesia beaches People search for relatives among the bodies of tsunami victims.
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Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters Publié le 07 juillet 2019 à 18h23 - Mis à jour le 07 juillet 2019 à 21h17. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Kathy Mueller, a spokeswoman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Indonesia, told CNN that the organization expected the death toll to rise.Red Cross teams are bringing in basic household items, clean water and equipment to help clear away debris, Mueller said.Hundreds of people have been left injured after the tsunami hit.The United Nations' World Food Programme said in a statement it stood ready to support the Indonesian government. Tsunami v Sundském průlivu 2018 vznikla v Indonésii dne 22. prosince v 21:27 místního času (15:27 času středoevropského).