boil star wars

But, time spent on the planet with a brave little survivor of a Nabat village opened Boil's eyes. In the years that followed under the reign of the Galactic Empire, Numa joined a rebel cell that operated on Ryloth under the command of Cham Syndulla. Boil was a clone trooper who served within Ghost Company of the 212th Attack Battalion.He and his friend Waxer were the company's best scouts, and often remarked on how they got the "fun missions": their assigned tasks were often the hardest. The resourceful girl, Numa, guided Boil and his squadmate Waxer through hidden passageways beneath the village, which proved crucial in freeing hostages held by the Separatists. When the page matches the guidelines set in the Ghost Company and thee 212th were deployed to the second battle of Geonosis, alongside members of the Cody ordered Boil and Waxer to go outside the landing zone and rescue Kenobi and any surviving members of the gunship.Boil would later serve in the Battle of Kiros, a small battle against Separatist forces there. He would ride a AT-RT alongside another trooper.Boil, alongside Skywalker, Kenobi and his fellow brothers Boil originally had Phase I armor. "If we're here to free the tail-heads, the least they can do is get out of our way," he said. There was also a small red triangle and a black symbol painted onto his helmet. Boil is a playable character on the 2011 released LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars video game. Sky Corps der Großen Armee der Republik. This may include fixing photos, sections, templates, and overall content. Boil was a clone trooper of the 212th Attack Battalion's Ghost Company who served the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Später kämpfte Rex auch zusammen mit Anakins Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Er führte einen Teil der 501. CT-7567, auch als Rex bekannt, war ein Klonkrieger und Captain der Großen Armee der Republik in den Klonkriegen. To honor Numa, Boil had a cartoon illustration of Numa added to his helmet.Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. Legion an und wurde dem Jedi-Ritter Anakin Skywalker zugeteilt. He … He was placed under the command of Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and was commonly seen fighting alongside Waxer. Angriffsbataillon" war eine aus 576 Klonsoldaten bestehende Untereinheit des 7. … "If we're here to free the tail-heads, the least they can do is get out of our way," he said. As a youngling, she befriended two Republic clone troopers, "Waxer" and "Boil," during the Separatist invasion of her homeworld. It was decorated with orange chevrons and had orange stripes on the helmet. Boil is a Clone Trooper in LEGO Star Wars and part of the 212th legion, under the command of Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. On Geonosis, Boil, as well as all other troopers of the 212th, were equipped with camouflaged His Phase II armor had the same markings as his Phase I set except that an image of Numa was added. Boil carried a Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When trooper Waxer was en route to Ryloth on a mission to liberate its besieged population of Twi'leks, he was at first callously dismissive of their plight. When trooper Waxer was en route to Ryloth on a mission to liberate its besieged population of Twi'leks, he was at first callously dismissive of their plight. But, time spent on the planet with a brave little survivor of a Nabat village opened Boil's eyes. This page requires a cleanup to perform a higher standard of quality. Das "212. Numa was a Twi'lek female who lived on the planet Ryloth during the Clone Wars.