corvus corax 40k

A swathe of detonations cut through the ranks of the World Eaters, ripping through their advance companies.

It is at this point that an infamous treachery took place.

Shielded and unseen by his brothers still waging war in the Emperor’s name. The bloodshed was great, for not all of the slave-prisoners had been imprisoned for their radical ideals; many were convicted killers and worse.

Even when directly in the line of sight of an enemy, by willing an observer not to see him, he somehow avoided detection. Thirty days after the initial planetary assault, the future looked grim for the fleeing Raven Guard survivors. He was discovered on Lycaeus, the desolate moon of the planet Kiavahr. At last, above this maelstrom of grinding ceramite, booming tank cannons and chattering bolters -- the gunships, drop-pods and assault landers of the second wave burned through the atmosphere on screaming thrusters. Corax then made use of these techniques and a recovered, undifferentiated Primarch genetic template to accelerate the development of new Raven Guard Astartes. Though grievously wounded, Lorgar would live. He outmanoeuvred and ambushed their forces on Lycaeus with his battle hardened warriors, crushing their supply lines and striking the five biggest cities in Kiavahr with one atomic mining charge each. His claw strained against a mirroring weapon, both sets of blades scraping as they ground against each other. Corax presented a striking countenance, at least when he wished to be seen.

Primarch Corvus Corax leading his Raven Guard Legion against the Traitor Legion of the World Eaters during the Horus Heresy Corvus Corax, also known as "The Liberator," "The Deliverer," "The Raven-Lord," "Chooser of the Slain" and "The Shadowed Lord", is the currently missing Primarch of the Raven Guard Chapter of Space Marines and its Successor Chapters. Even as terrifying carnage was being wreaked upon the Loyalists below, the retreating forces of the Warmaster turned and brought their weapons to bear on the enemy warriors within their midst. Ferrus Manus looked on in stunned horror as Fulgrim laughed at the look on his brother's face as the forces of his "allies" opened fire upon the Salamanders and Raven Guard, killing hundreds in the fury of the first few moments, hundreds more in the seconds following, as volley after volley of Bolter fire and missiles scythed through their unsuspecting ranks. The XIXA Raven Guard Legionary wearing Mark VI Corvus Pattern A two year engagement through a sector of space claimed by the remnants of the broken If this was so then the plan was to backfire spectacularly, for the Raven Guard performed admirably in the verdant Eldar seed worlds of the Scalland Sector, utilising the advanced auto-senses and agility of the new armour to hound the Eldar in a series of strike-and-fade attacks that decimated their already battered military forces. These included actions on Eventually, Corax reassembled the entirety of his surviving Legion at the When ultimately he managed to rebuild his Legion, the Corax went on to hunt the traitor Primarchs, seeking revenge for the Corax's most potent ability however was his "wraith-slip", also called a Shadow-slip or Shadow-Walk. At the same time, the Alpha Legion's plans were reaching their climax. Though the Primarch informed his men that his mission was to reconnoiter the drop site, his primary objective was to scour the Urgall Plateau for the bodies of his fallen sons, but he failed to find them. The mighty Though the Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders had managed to make a full combat drop and secured the drop site, known as the Urgall Depression, they did so at a heavy cost. The repercussions of those actions came back to haunt him, leading Corax to eventually grant the In the wake of the Horus Heresy, Corax vanished into the Created with a wealth of knowledge already imprinted into his mind, the young Primarch nonetheless had much to learn from his protectors. By proving themselves men of wisdom and civilisation, they were deemed fitting partners for the many other worlds of the nascent Imperium. The Warmaster's plan called for the bulk of four Legions -- the Though the Battle of Gate Forty-Two was counted a victory by (and indeed for) Horus, its effects were far-reaching. The Raven Guard met their rescuers in stunned disbelief. The traitors, the bloodied and battered Legions loyal to Horus, fell into a fighting withdrawal without hesitation. Corax is even known to have bested Utilising strands of machine canon unknown to the mainstream of the Mechanicum, the Kiavahran guild artificers created all manner of systems at the behest of the Raven Guard and in time the Legion's As the Great Crusade ground ever onwards, Kiavahr assumed its position in the Emperor's Imperium of worlds. The Raven Guard were confronted by the treacherous Word Bearers, with their Primarch The Primarchs fought in furious combat -- Corax fighting to kill, while Lorgar fought to stay alive. Unbeknownst to Corax and his Raven Guard, they would return fifteen standard years later to the Istvaan System, to the world of It was the need to conduct war in a more conventional manner that led to one of the greatest setbacks in the XIXHorus had formulated a plan to cast down the Unsighted Kings in a lightning war that would purge the afflicted population while retaining the cluster's highly developed infrastructure for future re-population. Though they had waged war against one another, the Imperial Truth had prevailed and the Istvaanians had sworn to accept its teachings. Every helm was horned and every faceplate was split by a daemon's skullish leer. Broad-winged aircraft plunged down from the scattering of clouds, missile pods rippling with fire. After 98 days of relentless pursuit, the Raven Guard survivors were finally backed into a literal corner.