examen vtc réunion
Siret: 828 071 704 00013 Candidates should contact us if they do not receive the new Admission Form / phone call after 5 working days of the application.Should you have any enquiries, please contact us by email:Candidates registered for the Computer-based Salespersons Qualifying Examination (SQE) previously scheduled for 3 March 2020 may choose to attend the Computer-based SQE to be held on 6 May 2020 or the Computer-based SQE to be held on 2 June 2020. Examination seats are limited and they are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Bourbon VTC vous propose des excursions en fançais / anglais / espagnol sur toute l'île de la Réunion. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. For candidates who enrolled the examination via company, please contact their company.Deadline to submit the online reschedule/refund application: 20 March 2020. Bourbon VTC will take care of your transfers to Roland Garros airports, Pierrefond.Choose Bourbon VTC is the insurance of a private transport that is completely dedicated to you for a straightforward trip. Candidates may refer to: FAQs >Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination & Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Examination > D) On the Examination Day > Question D3 for the List of Approved Calculators.2020-08-04    Notice for Salespersons Qualifying Examinations2020-07-31    Online Application for Reschedule/Refund -- Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (IIQE) / Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Examination (MPFE) (22/7-8/8/2020)2020-07-29    Notice for Estate Agents / Salespersons Qualifying Examinations2020-07-23    Notice for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-07-14    Notice to Candidates for Prevention of COVID-192020-05-22    Special Announcement on PEAK Examination Centre Services2020-05-22    (Updated) Notice to Candidates of Novel Coronavirus2020-04-27    Notice for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-04-22    Online Application for Reschedule/Refund -- Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (IIQE) / Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Examination (MPFE)2020-04-17    Postponement Arrangement for Estate Agents Qualifying Examination2020-04-14    Change of Exam Registration Date and Method (Estate Agents / Salespersons Qualifying Examinations)2020-03-24    Postponement Arrangement for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-03-23    Postponement Arrangement for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-03-23    Examination Fee Refund -- IIQE/MPFE(23-31/3/2020)2020-03-02    Notice for Estate Agents Qualifying Examination2020-03-02    Online Application for Reschedule/Refund -- Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (IIQE) / Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Examination (MPFE)2020-02-28    Postponement Arrangement for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-02-27    (Updated) Notice to Candidates of Novel Coronavirus2020-02-26    Postponement Arrangement for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-02-24    Notice for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-02-12    Postponement Arrangement for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2020-02-03    Notice for Salespersons Qualifying Examination2019-08-30    Notice to Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Candidates2019-05-21    New Enrolment Arrangement – Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination (Computer Screen Mode Examination)2019-05-21    Adjustment of Examination Fee for the Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Examination2019-03-04    Notice to Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Exam Candidates2018-08-13    Notice to Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Candidates2018-06-06    Adjustment of Examination Fee for the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Examination2018-01-02    Notice to Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Examination Candidates2017-04-03    Notice to MPF Schemes Examination Candidates2016-03-09    Notice to Investment-linked Long Term Insurance Candidates