right joycon analog stick drifting

This is definitely not a good idea - disconnect the battery first to avoid shorting anything out, injury or explosion.The Really Nuclear option works wonders, because it seems that the problem is that there is an excess of semiconductor material there which causes the dust inside and makes the stick drift. Fix It so my solution is to just buy a new one. We've been having issues for a long time drifting up on the left stick, Nintendo told us its electrical interference and move away from electronics (ha, device heavy household in the middle of a large metro city - not happening). For now anyway.
Been using compressed air, but that doesn't seem to have helped completely (though it does help some). I might have to get my third (!) No console is perfect but to suggest switch is shoddy???

Hard to explain but I noticed that the analog sticks were off while playing Minecraft with my daughter. The moment i sprayed under the flap it was almost back to brand new, the left joycon isnt 100% fixed but this has made them like almost new.Hopefully it lasts, but damn that was impressively quick acting stuff....Yeah, I just treated mine to the SNES cartridge blow treatment... few good blasts like I was trying to get Duck Hunt working, and the drift is gone! I'll have to try this out!My right stick on my Wii U Gamepad stutters, and Nintendo wants $100 to fix it. We'll see how long it lasts, but it's a good first step before you start squirting goop inside, or disassembling your controller.Four of my five joycons developed drifting problems, one only a month after purchase. If I blow air around the joystick and move it around in a circle it clears up.I’ve had this issue for a good two months and BotW was unplayable for me. Opening them up to try and fix them if you don't have experience playing with electronic components may not have the desired result.i not have switch yet, but my wii u gamepad have this issue in left analog stick, with 2 years and half use.What about when it's not a joycon issue? If I totally break them I can just buy some new ones and not be out of pocket.I just finished up putting in a new joystick and it works great! Hmm, that's not good then. Probably will take a trip to B&Q to get a small screwdriver set, and have one of the specialist screwdrivers on order from Amazon so i can open up the Joycon.It's stupid that the Joycons can be defeated by dust, and that a replacement set costs as much as it does to fix them.Going to get some sticks and fix my Joycon.

My n64 analog is super loose now. I appreciate the replacement guide for the stick. There's also a difference between wearing out in 20 years and wearing out after 2. Joy con are great and I love them, but they also aren't up to the standard of quality I expect from Nintendo products.The amount of consoles they have shipped in first two years the % of issues seen on line is tiny but people are yelling loud and making it more than it is.I look after my console and I’ve had no issues. My original pair of Joy-Cons started drifting about a year after buying it at launch. I finally bought a new set this weekend. I really didn't want to spend the time sending it in to Nintendo for a fix as even though I have a pro controller, I will be forced to play my Switch docked until the joycon comes back. But it doesn't happen in any other game. Don't do this. We’ve provided a list of the necessary tools and items you’ll need for each solution, which increase in complexity. I put some blame on the consumer because well we want cheap electronics and here they are.I mean you know me, overall I'm happy with my switch, and I'm not sure I'd want to pay more, but I do look at these things and it is a touch annoying. I got an email back a week later saying it would cost £29 to fix my left joy-con and the problem was due to Operating system problem. And prior to that, I had never so much looked at a circuit board, so it really is something anyone can do (the fact that I busted two joycons just by being so rough with the joystick should indicate I'm not exactly a delicate soul! This lead to be buying a 2nd set of joy-cons and I'm now waiting for the 1st set back from Nintendo. So the first and most important step is like the article says, removing the battery. I have a feeling it wouldn't be that hard of an issue to fix.I have not had any issues so far. I have no desire to talk anymore on this.People clearly have issues. That’s fixed it completely for me.I could not believe it. Tried recalibrating it and it did next to nothing. Some have sent controllers back to Nintendo for repair, while others resigned themselves to buying new Joy-Con (The problem can render some titles nigh-on unplayable (unless you’re a fan of watching Link repeatedly jog off cliff edges).