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Afghanistan: Strategic Situation Report: COVID-19, No. The US Army said it was investigating a plane crash in a Taliban-held area. Humanitarian partners urge the Government of Afghanistan to ensure accountability on health service delivery to ensure life-saving programs are delivered to those most in need.WHO notes that when health systems are overwhelmed, as is being seen in Afghanistan, both direct mortality from the outbreak and indirect mortality from vaccine-preventable and treatable conditions increase dramatically. Click to see the full-size image. 15 Jul 2020. WHO stresses the need to balance the demands of responding directly to COVID-19, with simultaneously engaging in strategic planning and coordinated action to maintain essential health service delivery, mitigating against the risk of system collapse.ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians.Learn more about ReliefWeb, leading online source for reliable and timely humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996.OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Air Defense Systems Activated At Russia’s Hmeimim Air Base In Syria. Altnews.org automatically expires posts on a FIFO basis when a pre-set maximum number of posts per source has been reached.In most cases, the post you were looking for is still available on its originating web site.Credit: Infamous Australian Labour politician Bill Shorten, famous for this gab uttered on national TV news:Obviously you can’t read the article you were looking for, but I’m sure you’d agree with everything it said.Choose a Topic from the Category drop-down which may contain the feed items you were looking for or select a topic from the top Menu bar above.Ancient grey haired naked rebel and activist always looking to better the Human condition. It was unclear what was the identity of the plane. Dreaming about what could be. Current laboratory capacity in Afghanistan remains limited. Hospitals and clinics continue to report challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19 as well as maintaining essential health services. Only a few will survive the depopulation wars fought by the (self proclaimed) 'Chosen Ones'. I just started checking out your new website and the first thing I noticed is how well the images pop[...]This site is looking better everyday. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. I share it out of love knowing Mankind deserves so much better. Other report suggested it was a US Air Force E-11A airplane. The joint winterisation strategy for 2019-2020 in partnership with the Government of Afghanistan integrates shelter, food, health and WASH to help affected people decrease their vulnerability and ensure that they are adequately protected … 27 January A plane crashed in Ghazni Province. Only a few will survive the mindfuck. The virus was confirmed to have spread to Afghanistan when its index case, in Herat, was confirmed on 24 February 2020. Donate. Military Situation In Afghanistan On June 18, 2020 (Map Update) Donate. WHO notes that it is important to ensure healthcare workers have the proper personal protection to carry out their services. Great service Maybe some of the stuff I write or share will be of some value (to you). some reports said it was a 737-300 manufactured by Boeing. Afghanistan: COVID-19 Multi-Sectoral Response Operational Situation Report, 8 July 2020 Source. | All the videos featured on your site are inaccessible...when you do to one, my iPad just keeps trying to access[...]"Hello, My name is Ivana Balentic and while going through your website I saw you mentioned our friends at ThePreppingGuide[...]Please provide Brendon O’Connell's main and current link to his material. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 30, 2020 (Map Update) This post was shared from the southfront.org's RSS feed . The U.S. just signed a peace deal with the Taliban that would see U.S. forces exit Afghanistan in 14 months. The COVID-19 pandemic in Afghanistan is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation.Access your account or create a new one for additional features or to post job or training opportunities.Latest humanitarian reports, maps and infographics and full document archive.List of alerts, ongoing and past disasters covered by ReliefWeb.List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content.Curated pages dedicated to humanitarian themes and specific humanitarian crises.Open training opportunities in the humanitarian field.Complacency and failure to follow public health advice is creating grave risks in the community with markets reportedly busy over the Eid holiday and people not observing physical distancing protocols.

Lifting the veil on the imposed illusion. A Taliban attack in Kunduz killed multiple Afghan security forces. Hezbollah Releases Video Showcasing Targets For Possible Strike On Israel. Afghanistan + 2 more. Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 27, 2020 (Map Update) Donate. 23 Jul 2020 Originally published 23 Jul 2020. 29 January Afghan special forces raided a Taliban compound in Bala Murghab, Badghis Province, freeing 62 hostages. Iran’s IRGC Looking To Establish Permanent Naval Base In Indian Ocean. Afghanistan + 2 more. In addition, people need to be assured that it is safe to seek treatment in hospitals and health centre through proper infection prevention and control measures, and effective and accurate risk communication messages.