think tank relations internationales paris

It will cover size, funding, areas of research and product range of every single organisation. This article analyses Russia’s relations with Latin America in the first two decades of the 21st century in the light of global political and economic processes. GPPi is an independent non-profit think tank based in Berlin. The European Union’s chief antitrust official, Margrethe Vestager, has made her name tackling big corporate fish in pretty unconventional ways.... It is a separate organisation from the similarly named think-tank in New York. These data are saved in our file and we remind that you can request anytime the modification or the suppression of your data to the direction of development: Yann Roland / The TTDeurope will contain information about the most important think tanks in the European Union. Fondé en octobre 2007, il conduit des travaux de recherche et promeut à travers l’Europe un débat éclairé sur le développement d’une politique étrangère européenne efficace, cohérente et porteuse des valeurs européennes. Europe’s top diplomat smiled...

Hilal AHMED Then the mood changed. Both were founded in 2008 by a Russian lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena and a group of Russian NGOs, but they were operationally and structurally independent of one another. Japan’s space program has evolved greatly since the end of the Cold War, driven by a rapidly changing geopolitical environment and tailored by... Our experts are available for media requests. Choiseul France est le site de l'Institut Choiseul dédié aux activités, aux publications et classements des jeunes leaders économiques en France. Yet some governments took important steps in the right direction but they are often insufficient. Think tank affiliated with the Paul H. Nitze School of International Relations at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, the CTR researches and publishes on contemporary issues affecting EU-US relations. The Institute of Democracy and Cooperation is a think tank in Paris. Think Tank Directory Europe. We check hundreds of organizations every day … Depuis que des armes nucléaires ont été développées par les Etats-Unis et l’Union Soviétique, l’Europe a vécu sous la menace nucléaire. Japan’s Space Program: Shifting Away from “Non-Offensive”... Its efforts to stall projects threaten billions of dollars in investment. The Initiative for Development and Global Governance (IDGM), supported by AFD and reinforced by the IDGM+ project under the "Laboratoire d'excellence" label, is at the heart of the institute’s activities.The role of Public Development Banks in supporting the post-COVID-19 crisis recovery in emerging and developing countriesWhat international policy initiatives for the prevention of infectious diseases of zoonotic origin?Is teleworking a driver towards more sustainable lifestyles?PRODURABLE 2020 trade show: "Defiance and food: what are the challenges for the sector? Find Internships in International Organizations, Governments, Think-Tanks and NGOs around the world.

L'Institut Français des Relations Internationales fête ses quarante ans. Quentin LOPINOT Dédié à l'analyse des questions stratégiques internationales et de la gouvernance économique.

Nos chercheurs nourrissent le travail de l’ECFR grâce à leurs analyses des enjeux nationaux et leurs contributions aux différents programmes de recherche.Recevez tous les deux mois notre newsletter avec les actualités, les événements et les publications du bureau de Paris de l’ECFR

ECFR publications are frequently quoted in the French press and Paris based policy fellows appear regularly on TV media such as ARTE, France 24 and BFM TV.Recevez tous les deux mois notre newsletter avec les actualités, les événements et les publications du bureau de Paris de l’ECFR

Une... Lionel FATTON Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“ verfügbar; Informationen zu den Urhebern und zum Lizenzstatus eingebundener Mediendateien (etwa Bilder oder Videos) können im Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden. A flow of media reports and op-eds have recently flourished, forecasting the decline of the West and the triumph of China on the world stage amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is essential if we are to succeed in creating the 20 million jobs each year necessary to absorb the demographic growth of the region,Will China rise stronger from the pandemic? Turkey fuels regional power game over Mediterranean gas reserves Une confrontation majeure directe entre l’Ouest et l’Est... Creating mutually positive linkages is crucial for both partners,...Special Report of the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC), 29 April 2020 ECFR Paris promotes our experts' research and ideas in France among foreign policy actors and the general public. Can Huawei Face EU Fines Like Google and Apple? think tank indépendant dédié à l’analyse des questions stratégiques internationales et de la gouvernance économique mondiale. New Economics Foundation A 'think and do' tank seeking to improve quality of life by challenging mainstream thinking on economic, environmental and social issues. As a frontline zone and a pivot, Southeast Asia is both a testing ground and a showcase of China’s ambitions in developing a grand cooperative scheme.

Allies Look on in Dismay While U.S. Rivals Rejoice We promise we will never send you any content that is not ECFR related.