leo horoscope elle

Une nouvelle orientation de votre vie amoureuse pourrait remettre en cause bien des... Si la distance, la confusion ou la lassitude se sont installées entre vous et votre conjoint, il est grand temps de réagir ! Check in: Are you being an overthinking worrywart—or is careful planning a smart idea now?

08.02.2020 . Leo Sex Horoscope. Apr 20 - May 20. gemini. You may realize you’re not on the same page for the long haul. Don’t succumb, Leo. Wait a week or two, when cooler-headed conditions will prevail.Things could come to a head on Thursday, August 13, when pushy Mars comes to blows with volcanic Pluto, driving up egos and control issues. Amour, travail, santé, argent… Pour connaître ce que vous réserve votre journée, consultez votre horoscope quotidien !
Pour les couples,... En couple, la passion et la tendresse d'antan commenceront à s'effriter par usure. Découvrez ce que vous réservent les astres 24 heures à l'avance avec votre
Create a new framework for your day-to-day life and get ready to welcome whatever gives you a sense of security—whether it’s more money, accolades, helpful allies or a supportive partner.The week begins with irksome slowdowns or obstacles to your grand plans. Unexpected professional developments could impact your decision to commit (or not). Pour les revigorer, rien de tel qu'une brève journée d'éloignement... En couple, notez un renforcement de vos rapports conjugaux. With energizer Mars in Aries and your worldly, expansive ninth house for the rest of the year, your optimism is on the upswing. Is your inner control freak ramped up to maximum settings? En couple, la joie de vivre à deux sera au rendez-vous et, pour certains, l'envie de faire quelque chose... En couple, vous allez découvrir votre partenaire sous un nouveau jour ! With everyone thinking about winning and getting their way—rather than what makes actual sense—you need to be the voice of reason. But check your anxiety levels, Leo—they could be off the charts. Ne ratez pas cette belle occasion. On top of feeling like a caged “big cat” during quarantine, your warm, outgoing sign has missed those regular doses of affection and attention. And TBH, the digital version just doesn’t match the real thing in your book.Here’s hoping you’ll get at least a few (safe) b-day hugs and some quality time with your favorite people this August! Célibataire,... En couple, rien de tel qu'un dîner aux chandelles pour retrouver la complicité et la joie de vivre de votre lune de miel ! Give a firm “let’s talk next month” if you have to—just take care to not leave someone dangling.The next day, August 4, impatient Mars in your risk-taking ninth house makes its first square of the month, challenging excessive Jupiter in Capricorn and your detail-driven sixth house. Read these horoscopes next. Yesterday Today Tomorrow. Health; Career; Love; Money; Mood; Luck; Choose another Zodiac Sign.

Impatient Mars gets into its final scuffle, this time with restrictive Saturn in your process-driven sixth house on Monday, August 24. prepare yourself for a week that might feel like driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.Stoked about a new assignment? As the workweek kicks off on Monday, August 3, with the Aquarius full moon in your house of partnership squared off against possessive Taurus, a relationship or project could finally all come together—or go bust for good. Possibilité de coup de foudre, si vous êtes célibataire ! Virgo. Compliment your horoscope with the Love Oracle. Cancer. Célibataire,... Vous aurez la possibilité de repartir sur de nouvelles bases avec votre partenaire. Share with your friends: Today's Leo Matches. Your Leo monthly horoscope and sun sign astrology forecast by The AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut, astrologers for ELLE and Refinery29. Célibataire,... Une redécouverte mutuelle donnera un nouveau souffle à vos relations de couple. Copyright © 2019-20 Mediarology, Inc. All rights reserved. Balancing passion and practicality will be key.On August 22, the Sun glides into efficient Virgo, heating up your second house of work, money and stability. On Friday, August 15, disruptive Uranus starts its annual five-month backspin through Taurus and your tenth house of success and long-term goals.

Where would you like to be six months from now? As the moon syncs with innovative Uranus in your career and long-term planning...Whether you’ve been searching for your twin flame, a screenplay writing partner...Regardless of your relationship status, the first week of the month finds you...Happy birthday season, Leo! Some things may plateau or scale down for the rest of the year, and that’s okay.

Mull over the batch of big ideas you were blessed with during Leo season. Summer may not be as hot as you’d hoped, but things start to turn around as retrograde Saturn enters Capricorn on July 1.