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In Rückblenden ins Jahr 57 v. Chr. They both believe that she buried it in the forest years ago and went back to retrieve it the night she was killed. The tree’s sap is blood red. As if it’s not typical for people to be nice in some situations and the opposite in others.The resolution of Sandra’s story was simplistic and misogynist, with the implication that she caused the deaths of herself and her brother and the attempted suicide by Bruno by accusing Bruno of rape to protect her drug addict brother 5 years ago. Avec Suliane Brahim, Hubert Delattre, Laurent Capelluto (Fr.-Bel., 2017, 8 × 55 min). In present day Villefranche, another young woman, Marion Steiner, the daughter of mayor and business owner Bertrand Steiner, has been missing for months. He’ll have a nosebleed and swollen nose to show for his first time out in the field.While Laurène teaches Siriani how to deal with his nosebleed, Dimitri runs straight into Teddy Bear, who takes him down with one move, then has to inform him of his sister’s death. La folie s’empare de la ville et resurgit même un fantôme.Zone Blanche Saison 2 Episode 5 : La Jeune Fille et Le MortUn jeune homme est retrouvé mort en pleine forêt devant un mystérieux piano enseveli sous la végétation. The show takes place in the mysterious, isolated village of Villefranche, which is set so deep in the primeval forest that the entire village and its surroundings have no cell phone reception- the black spot, or zone blanche, of the title. She tells him to back off because she’s off duty and doesn’t want to work tonight. They all knew the rape story but don’t remember Bruno doing anything inappropriate in their presence. Man hört Tierlaute, knackendes Holz und leises Flüstern, das nur der Wind sein Die Charaktere sind so kantig wie der Ort, in dem sie leben.

'Black Spot' ('Zone Blanche') Season 2: That Ending And Theories That Could Explain It The ending of “Black Spot” (“Zone Blanche”) Season 2 takes viewers down more twists and turns in Villefranche. Erfahre Amazon Prime Video weltweit gestreamt wurde. He clearly has some real emotions, but he’s also not above using anything he can to manipulate her and everyone else.Bertrand says that not long before his suicide attempt, Bruno Winkler requested drug testing in his workshop and five workers tested positive.Bertrand makes another crack about Laurène bringing in the prosecutor unnecessarily and wasting his time, but Siriani assures Bertrand that he lives for this sort of thing. La traque est lancée au plus profond de la forêt. Many years later, she remains haunted by the experience.

At his request, Camille promises not to let him linger in the same state, should it ever come to that.Bruno’s parents are only marginally cooperative. She’s not smiling.The next stop is Sandra’s brother Dimitri’s house. Parallèlement, elle interroge en secret un éleveur qui aurait été en contact avec l’individu mystérieux qu’elle recherche depuis des années. Either they didn’t believe Sandra or they were pressured to drop it to spare the Steiners, who own the sawmill and half the town, the scandal.They assume that Sandra took the job caring for Bruno so that she could get revenge, but she’s the one who ended up dead.

He tries to come at her, but Sabine tasers him.Siriani walks in just as Pierrot goes down. Besagte erste Staffel besteht aus acht Episoden. She just wanted to hold off Steiner long enough to get an injunction against the sawmill shutdown. At the end of Dante’s journey, he found God or self-actualization, whichever way you want to think of it.

She says that there are bees and nuts in town. Celle des habitants de Villefranche. Avec l’aide de Delphine Garnier, une spécialiste des dérèglements environnementaux dépêchée par le Département, Laurène découvre une ruche sauvage agglutinée autour… du cadavre d’un homme. She died at least ten hours ago. De Zone Blanche (witte zone) in de gelijknamige serie is een deel van Frankrijk waar geen bereik is, de stroom hapert en elektronica zich eigenzinnig gedraagt. He says that he didn’t see eye to eye with his superiors.Laurène drives out to the forest and searches. She has something else to do.She goes back to the forest and the tree where Sandra was hung, while Hermann, Camille and Teddy Bear question the parents and search the house. She got herself out of the cave as a young woman, but who put her into the chains? She finds a sharp rock and cuts off her pinkie and ring fingers from her left hand so that her hand will fit through the manacle around it, allowing her to escape.Lyrics to Mr Lonely, which play as the forest begins its attack on Siriani, leaving him crawling toward the emergency phone:These lyrics will only become more relevant. Wie wir jetzt leben: Teil 1 54 Min. The trees are bleeding. Not so much Gaspard, but that’s the way he’s written.The Village of Villefranche and the surrounding forest are imposing characters themselves, which make this a unique show. Villefranche, bourgade isolée en pleine forêt, doit faire face à de multiples disparitions et un taux d'homicides anormalement élevé. He asks her what she meant by “usual approach” just as Dimitri comes slamming out of the house, throwing the door into Siriani’s face. He says that he’s decided to stay in Villefranche for a while. As murders, full moons and secret plots roil Villefranche, Laurène hunts down clues to the figure in the forest -- and her own miraculous recovery. Police in the entire region are looking for her.Laurène mentions Sandra’s murder and rape and asks for his help, but he refuses without a warrant. Black Spot (OT: Zone Blanche) ist eine französisch-belgische Krimi-Drama-Serie von Profiling-Creator Mathieu Missoffe.