erica ps4 actrice

Also, according to IMDb, he was recently cast as a young version of a Liam Neeson character before being written out.

She plays Tobi, the initially angry girl in Erica.Another member of the Erica voice cast who you probably won’t recognise from her other work is Nakeba Buchanan.

Jack Attridge (interactive story development), Explore Erica game detail, demo, images, videos, reviews.

Blake sowie Ericas Vater.Wenn Erica als reiner Film betrachtet wird, dann stechen die Sets sowie die Cinematografie natürlich nicht sonderlich hervor. Hier ist kein Platz für Fehler!

Erica. This wiki is a collaborative resource for the game and is maintained by the contributions of the fans.

Tauch in ein bildgewaltiges Abenteuer in Filmlänge ein, bei dem du direkt in das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm eingreifen kannst – eine atemberaubende Mischung aus Hollywood und taktischem Gameplay.
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He plays Babet in the 2012 Les Miserables big screen adaptation and small roles in the likes of Die Another Day and The Dark Knight.I know Terence Maynard are Tony, Jason dodgy Dad in Coronation Street, but you American readers are more likely to recognise him as the Sergeant who shouted at Tom Cruise every time his life began in Edge of Tomorrow (or whatever it’s now called). Interestingly, while he's worked a lot in the UK, he was actually born in The Bahamas. Du entscheidest, wie Erica in Gesprächen mit anderen Charakteren interagiert und damit auch, wie ihr Verhältnis zu bestimmten Personen ist.

Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Erica, einer jungen Frau, die von Albträumen über den Mord an ihrem Vater geplagt wird. Interestingly, while he’s worked a lot in the UK, he was actually born in The Bahamas.Without being familiar with British TV shows that are almost a rite of passage for actors over the pond, such as Holby City and Casualty, you’re unlikely to know Sasha Frost. Ähnliche Spiele. Another member of the Erica cast who you probably won't recognise from her other work is Nakeba Buchanan.

Another member of the Erica cast who's best known for her British TV show acting, you might not recognise her.

She's played characters in Skins, Doctor Who, and Humans. Again, there's little you'll know Louise Bangay from other than British shows like Doctors, Midsomer Murders, and The Bill, but she is excellent as the initially nice but definitely dodgy Dr. Rosa Ballard in Erica.

Angefangen bei den starken Schauspielern/innen/* bis hin zur Aufmachung der spielerischen Elemente gibt es nur wenig, was zu kritisieren ist. Im Test zeigt Erica, dass die interaktiven Film-Spiele ihre Daseinsberechtigung haben. She’s great as the mysterious Mia Greene in the game, but aside from a small role in the movie Dead Man Running, there’s not else you’ll know here from.While Ian Pirie has still played characters in British dramas, like much of the Erica voice cast, he’s known for some more substantial roles in more famous movies.

Hello, everybody! Dass Holly Earl so gut ist, kaschiert auch ein wenig den blass gespielten Sgt. Directed by Jack Attridge, Jamie Magnus Stone.

Connor Potts, A live-action interactive narrative with branching story lines.

Denn dich erwartet ein unvergessliches Psycho-Horror-Erlebnis, exklusiv für PlayStation VR.

Erica is a full-motion video game about a young woman navigating a mysterious world of murder and cultists, and the player must choose who to believe. You might not know a lot of the actors, but here's everything you want to know about who the actors of the Erica cast are.

Doch als Film-Spiel sind diese sehr clever aufgemacht. Enter a dangerous and shadowy world of murder in this pioneering interactive thriller, exclusive to PS4, that asks you to reach into the game world and take control of the narrative.

Ich will auch gar nichts über die Storyline des Spiels schreiben, weil sie nicht nur spannend ist, sondern je nach Entscheidungen auch stark variieren kann.
• Face the consequences of your actions as you influence how the narrative unfolds and arrive at

Erica allows you to immerse yourself in live-action video and make tactile choices through physical touch, offering a seamlessly flowing experience.

Das erste Drittel des Spiels spielt sich immer gleich. Zurück zum Seitenanfang