somua sm avis

I feel the Lorraine will be better with the increased mobility, even with one less shot in the drum. Keep it up ??? Add the vehicle with its basic configuration to comparisonAdd the vehicle with its current configuration to comparisonAdd the vehicle with its basic configuration to comparisonAdd the vehicle with its current configuration to comparison There were so many times where I would just botch a single shot from her clip and be left with 900 potential damage, too low to threaten an enemy into not rushing me.Thank you for another review our Lord of Saltiness.STOP whining all the time bob ffs, if this game makes you so mad, you should consider the option to quit playing. Pour trouver des avis pertinents sur les professionnels de la construction, consultez notre guide en cliquant ici . So now you can choose: greater firepower (technically speaking not, but you propably won’t be able to fire all 6 rounds from 50 100 beeing safe all the time) or faster tank.But that was lucky one, you must admit… Bouncing a 263 mm of penetration shot from T30… That shot went propably to your mantlet, but still. I play TDs more than anything and that is a great map for TDs, if someone spots the far side. My hope is that these videos meaningfully help players improve their gameplay.If you want to support my WoT habit (thanks that’s generous of you), you can support me on Patreon, send me gold in-game, donate via PayPal, or simply shop on Amazon:ive played games with you before and never realized who you were Lol great contentOne huge change on that map is ast heavy lane around G9 it is now completely flat on the upper path. This channel is a real gem-no premium ammo and bottom tiers. you know how to flex and spot, then go with the Lorr 40t. SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Le fabricant autrichien a totalement révisé les modèles TR 50.

Development started in 1946; however, the prototype was not ready until October 1951. But you can feel it as well, when you fire your clip. What is better LORRAINE40T OR SOMUA SM .. im thinking buying lorraine but can you give some tips on what to buy?If you’re competent with medium tanks, i.e. I always look to see if I happen to appear given how much we’ve platooned.I am learning a lot even I do not plan to get Somua. The S&M. That gun is fantastic though with 5 shots and 2.25 inter clip r.o.f.The Somua SM is at my threshold of a slowish tank. Radio Operator ?So you can kill a whole full health tank every 45 seconds or so realisticallyFrankly that 100mm gun has always given me a headache the cost and the fact it usually bounces or drops into the dirt makes me cryNow don’t tell me this is beter then the regular French Tier VIII heavy autoloader.Will not buy another Tier 8 Premium HT unless MM for Tier 8 is fixed. But the best player who’s the best streamer)I’ve read your comment several times and beyond teaming up with LR the rest I can’t wrap my noodle around…Taugrim haha … there is an innate ability in humans to communicate entertain and be a successful presenter. Especially I wouldn’t risk taking that shot, bcs JPE was at ~full HP and taking that shot shouldn’t cost him whole flank, while if you died there it could make difference, bcs tbh for a short amount of time you have more firepower and what you didn;t know that JPE is not the best player in the world (1300 wn8), so you surviving is propably better, because you can outplay enemies. Consequently, the project was discontinued in favor of the AMX 50. My Lorr is a 3-mark 65% winrate solo over 350 battles, I cannot imagine coming anywhere near those type of numbers in a slow tank that can’t flex and relocate efficientlyBrill to c an experienced player giving ADVICE in chat during battle instead of the total over use of toxic insults and mindless clicking…so wish more of this would b apparent…but being a twat is far easier then helping…well done keep it up, much appreciated.Spike72 I completely agree, useful tactic commentary and mistakes pointing. Mega Credits Profit in World of Tanks. I don’t have the Lorr 40t but the mobility is a big are using chat as much as gun. That is why I like using XVM. It is to the AMX 50 B line what the AMX M4 mle. La fiche technique est donc relativement légère et ne semble pas évoluer des masses par rapport à l'an dernier. What is better LORRAINE40T OR SOMUA SM .. im thinking buying lorraine but can you give some tips on what to buy?If you’re competent with medium tanks, i.e.

!hey….can NEVER have enough credit makers…but yes i understand.Yep mobility is OP in this game, the Lorraine is extremely strong and imo the slower somua is a downgrade.

definitely powercreep, but hey wargaming are stuck on the powercreep angle and fucking up the game instead of realising the obvious path to go with premiums.if they had any brains they would release different versions of lower tier tanks at a higher tier with slightly improved stats and hp.a tier 8 KV2… same gun same armour but 1660 hp and 16 second reload and makes credits fasturtheres many tanks that could be reintroduced as premium higher tier without any risk to fucking up the game balanceinstead wargaming make crap like the t34 black or powercreep tanks that piss all over standard tanks of the same tierSure it is it have to be good as a fresh tank to puch people to buy this crap but just easy in several micro patches it will be nerfed without any note and it will become a trash as it was with many premium tanks in the past “The cupola is obviously weak” 268v4 laughing hard at that sentenceWorld of Tanks, Armored Forces, and War Thunder: Ground Forces

Taugrim not using *any* gold ammo, period, puts him above LR *IMO. Being prepared to do the preparation work is a lot of it.Some streamers present well but aren’t super great players nor teachers (Jingles & some others too).Some play outstandingly well but are overly cynical about team mates, swear unnecessarily aren’t super fun to listen to (I’d put Circon and SirFoch in this) and often have immature trolling fanboys in the comments section.Then there is a 3rd group. Commander World of Tanks - Somua. I think I’m around 20k battles but I just couldn’t take it anymore. This is a Premium vehicle. But you can feel it as well, when you fire your clip. Le développement a débuté en 1946 ; toutefois, le prototype n'a été prêt qu'en octobre 1951. You’re somewhere inbetween both but with the added bonus you dont use gold.Say what? But from the other side I must admit, that when I’m playing bc 25-t I bounce about one shot per 2 games, so am not surprised that that T30 bounced. also will you stream anytime soon? This one seems so slow.