bird box théorie

Surtout, il a pu voir les créatures sans mourir.Lorsqu'il arrive dans la maison qui fait office de refuge à Malorie, Tom et les autres, il explique qu'il était lui-même dans la maison d'un collègue jusqu'à ce que des patients d'un hôpital psychiatrique attaquent la propriété. On se doute assez vite qu'il s'agit d'un mensonge. They then "realize" that they cannot go there if they are alive, so they kill themselves to go to this oasis. Angels and fallen angels also are unwilling to damage the physical world directly, explaining why they aren't breaking doors or windows. Definitely Carpenter'esqueNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWelcome to /r/FanTheories! Entre l’autre qui te parle de nationalistes paranoïaque (le rapport ??) Imagine walking on the Golden Gate Bridge and all of a sudden you see a portal into the next dimension or “heaven” on the edge. We know our minds invent much of the world we think we see as demonstrated by experiment and popular optical illusions, thus it isn't much of a stretch to believe we are unable to see something our mind cannot put into context on its own. The eighth season of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory first aired on CBS with a … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Voir signification djinn Wikipedia. Peut-être qu'ils étaient très sains avant d'être confrontés aux créatures. One Reddit theory guessed that We see the fates of pretty much every character that takes shelter in Douglas' house, except for Felix and Lucy. An appropriate label for these creatures are Fallen Angels or, more commonly, Demons. We believe death to be scary, what if death is the first step to the rest of existence? Si tel était le cas, ce ne serait pas forcément à l'extérieur que les survivants seraient le plus en danger. In the film, this theme is painfully evident. Pas vraiment. Les créatures sont clairement le grand mystère du film, et si on en a déjà parlé, on peut pousser l'analyse encore plus loin, et surtout faire des théories plus ou moins plausibles sur leur origine.Avant de creuser les différentes théories possibles, faisons le point sur le personnage de Gary. Ce dernier dit de lui qu’il a fait de la prison et qu’il est surtout un peu “dingue”, mais gentil. Depuis fin décembre, le film Bird Box sur Netflix alimente les débats sur ses "monstres", mais aussi les challenges dangereux qui sont apparus sur les réseaux sociaux. Bird Box, which is adapted from the novel of the same name, is about a worldwide phenomenon that causes you to kill yourself if you go outside. I love conspiracy theories and my absolute favorites involve inter-dimensional demons, and suggest that various "evil" entities from various religions (djinn, demons, fae, etc) are all different names for the same thing. They have to be something that can change its form to exactly what its victim needs to drive them off the psychological edge, one way or another, be that a Lovecraftian creature (I don't think they are physical beings because the brain is powerful and capable of creating extremely realistic hallucinations. It appears that they aren't some kind of virus but capable of psychologically destroying the viewer. Lors d'une scène, un personnage sort des dessins, mais il n'est pas précisé s'il s'agit de sa version des faits ou de son imagination. Lovecraftian was my take, they drive people insane the instant they see them.Hi guys first Reddit comment.

Gary didnt try bashing his skull in or jump out of a window.In the book, he doesnt even actually murder anybody or even die. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation … Which is up to us to interoperateYours is the closest to my own theory I've seen so far. Imagine first that there are both a literal heaven more wonderful than the human imagination can contemplate and a literal hell likewise more horrifying. This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work.Press J to jump to the feed.