rapide visa chine

Chine continentale. Call us today at 1-800-872-1458. )(3) Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual)(1) Original and photocopy of the Admission Letter issued by a school or other entities in China. Nous sommes le moyen le plus rapide d'obtenir un visa Premier fournisseur mondial de services de visas avec une capacité sans égal pour obtenir les visas d’affaires et de voyages pour les entreprises et particuliers à travers le monde, de manière simple, pratique et sécurisée. Le visa … 1.1 Entrée. (3) The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay and number of entries in light of specific conditions of the applicant. To get started complete the An invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China.

24 hour service by post via our company, with guaranteed submission; Over 20,000 cases processed annually assisting some of the largest companies in the UK (4) An approval document for commercial performances issued by the Chinese government authorities for cultural affairs or Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Foreign Affairs Office of provincial governments of China. Les frais consulaires pour un visa chine urgent augmentent de 49 euros , soit 175 euro demandés au total par la société Visaforchina. (2) Original and photocopy of “Visa Application for Study in China” (Form JW201 or Form JW202).Holders of X1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under local people’s governments at or above the county level in the proposed places of residence for foreigners’ residence permits. "C'est rapide et bon marché. Les informations sont données à titre indicatif, l’entrée en Chine étant de la seule compétence des autorités chinoises. Visa Chinois. )(2) Information on the planned visit (arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, etc. Give us a call and we will expedite your China visa application to the appropriate China consulate or Chinese Embassy and get your visa on time. Un visa d’entrée est nécessaire pour votre voyage en CHINE, quelque soit le motif et la durée de votre séjour. The duration of stay in China (for each entry) is 60 days for U.S. passport holder, and 30 days for non U.S. passport holder. Fax : 09 72 45 90 75 - Guaranteed submission without appointment on next day service; Free consultancy, prechecking and guidance throughout the process. To get started complete theType “Z” China work visa is required for those who come to China for the purpose of commercial performances or academic exchanges.To get started complete theType “C” China crew visa is required for crew members on international trains, airlines or vessels to China. (3) Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Offices of enterprises of foreign countries(regions) issued by Chinese authorities of industrial and commercial administration, as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities. (2) Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China issued by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts as well as Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Entity or Confirmation Letter of Invitation issued by relevant Chinese entities. Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un emploi en Chine et que vous ne savais pas combien de temps cela va durer, vous pouvez payer 1500 yuans (environ 150 euros) pour un visa F qui sera valable une année entière. All rights reserved. (1) The invitation letter may be in the form of fax, photocopy or computer printout, but the consular officer may require the applicant to submit the original of the invitation letter..(2) If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant. To get started complete theIf you are planning to tour China, you will need a Tourist Visa ( L visa). The validity of the China tourist visa is 10 years with multiple-entry for U.S. citizen. Délais 2 à 6 jours, à partir de 169€.

(04/08/2020) Covid19 : Nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 12h. The invitation should contain: (1) Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, etc.) China Tourist Visa - type L China visa is given to those visiting China for tourism, or visiting friends or relatives, or other private purposes. 1 - Commandez en ligne votre visaSimplifiez-vous la vie et abordez votre voyage sereinement : nous accomplissons vos formalités en toute sécurité.

Vérifiez que l'ambassade de votre destination délivre des visas.

Il faudra ajouter les frais d’agence comme Action-visas Chine pour une procédure rapide et simplifiée. Contact Rapidvisa we are a full service Fiance Visa for only $429.00.